Learn and Plan How to PUSH to the Limits

LIFE CAPITAL. Framework. Breakdown

Hey, Gang 👋🏼

This won’t be a newsletter about a hustle culture. But strategically moving step by step to producing more = generating more revenue

What we’ll cover:

  • My Professional Milestone: Becoming a Top Producer

  • Leaning Towards Your Personal Edge

  • Aligning Intentions with Your Mission

  • Introducing the LIFE CAPITAL Framework

  • Additional Features of the Framework

    • Life Capital Pipeline

    • Impact Scoring System

    • Finance Scoring System

    • Leverage Scoring

    • Qualifying Opportunities

Jump right in…

I’m young, I work 2 jobs, I run my own company, and I am independent

Maybe, you don’t drive a benz. Me neither.

But each one of us has something else. LIFE CAPITAL.

Recent reflections got me here:

What bothers me like nothing else eternally? NOt pushing towards your EDGE.

Meaning you know you can do XXX but you only do X+ because it looks better than X-

Pretty abstract?

Take an example: You make good salary, work a stable job and fuck around in your afternoons. Not all your money problems will ever be solved. Work life balance and all that blah blah blah.

But my mission is different: Expand my geofitime freedom (geographical, financial, and time freedom)

It pisses me off seeing myself with huge potential but not completing daily intentions.

Just so you know if you want to produce and generate revenue you are in a good place. I will show you how I examine my opportunities, projects, efforts and impact all in one newsletter

But what is the edge?

The zone where you experience the most growth and performance. It is also when you feel least comfortable.


If you don’t know your fundamentals working on them first is advised.

If you have it figured out, let’s look at where our energy and intentions are spent

It is almost like credits you only get so little credits to spend each day.

If you fail to complete intention on a given day you won’t ever get the chance to complete that intention on that day. You still have a chance to postpone your intentions but that’s how you postpone your freedom too.

LIFE CAPITAL will help you with:

  • intention / mission alignment

  • energy and attention resources mapping

  • Production and Performance

To start with LIFE CAPITAL framework we need to map:

  • Opportunities

  • Skills

  • Projects


Let me just give you all the fields you have to fill and prepare yourself for serious push towards the edge


Partial element of your mission statement connected to life capital pipeline. Where do you want your attention to be directed? Life Capital will get you there.

For me that would be:

generate revenue and expand my financial freedom


Now list all your opportunities that can generate revenue for you.

Ex. Your job, side job, side hustle, your company







Now under each opportunity list the skills you are learning

Opportunity 1 ↩︎

  • Skill 1

  • Skill 2

  • Skill 3

Opportunity 2 ↩︎

  • Skill 1

  • Skill 2

  • Skill 3

Opportunity 3 ↩︎

  • Skill 1

  • Skill 2

  • Skill 3


We need to score each opportunity and skills accordingly to understand where our efforts, attention and intention should be directed


Probability. [0-100]

100 means you already work on this opportunity and generate revenue. 0 means you lost the opportunity.

Reward to Efforts. [0-100]

100 means you reward is great and 0 means the reward is of no value to you.

▶︎ SKILLS ▶︎

We want to measure impact in 3 categories

Finance [0-100]

How big financial impact this opportunity will give you?

Opps [0-100]

How big impact does it make on your future opportunities. Is it scalable? Do you build leverage?


How big impact does it make on your skillstack?

And now you see which opportunities are qualified to be pursued by you

Life Capital Pipeline


If you want the full template to plan yourself reply to this email

I hope you enjoy me sharing some lessons. Here’s a recap

  • My Professional Milestone: Becoming a Top Producer

  • Leaning Towards Your Personal Edge

  • Aligning Intentions with Your Mission

  • Introducing the LIFE CAPITAL Framework

  • Additional Features of the Framework

    • Life Capital Pipeline

    • Impact Scoring System

    • Finance Scoring System

    • Leverage Scoring

    • Qualifying Opportunities

Love you. Until next time…
